Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Preliminary research on safety of marine enteral nutrition bases
Received date: 2009-05-13
Revised date: 2010-07-15
Online published: 2011-03-16
Supported by
国家科技支撑项目(2008BAD94B00)课题之八(2008BAD94B08); 国家“863”计划资助项目(2007A -A09602); 粤港关键领域
重点突破项目(2007498611); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向创新项目(KZCX2-YW-209); 中国科学院海洋生物资源可持
续利用重点实验室(LMB); 广东省海洋药物重点实验室(LMM)和广东省应用生物学重点实验室(LAMB)联合开放课题资助项目
Marine enteral nutrition, as a new type of enteral nutrition, has shown tremendous clinical values and market de-velopment prospects. In the meantime, the safety of food and drug has become a critical issue and drawn intensive attention. The study on enteral nutrition is therefore very urgent. The status of safety research on the bases of clinical enteral nutrition in China and abroad is summarized. Some hazardous substances in the bases, including heavy metals, marine bio-toxins, PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, etc., were analysed in this study. Some controlling technologies and removal methods were dis-cussed. This research will provide a reference to the choices of safe bases, especially during the preparing of the safe, efficient, and high-quality enteral nutrition.
Key words: marine enteral nutrition; bases; safety; hazardous substances
WAN Peng,SUN Hui-li,CAI Bing-na,WU Yuan-tao . Preliminary research on safety of marine enteral nutrition bases[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2011 , 30(1) : 78 -85 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.01.078
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