Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Comparison of seven macroalgae cultivation and effects on
cultivation area’s seawater quality in Liusha Gulf
Received date: 2010-02-08
Revised date: 2010-04-14
Online published: 2011-07-20
In order to improve the present irrational culture structure in Liusha Bay, seven economic macroalgae, Kappaphycus
alvarezi, Sargassum henslowianum, S. integerrimum, S. polyporum, S. naozhouense, S. hemiphyllum, and Hizikia fusiforme
were cultured in Liusha Gulf of Zhangjiang from October 2008 to August 2009. The authors investigated the reproductive
periodicity and phenology of all wild Sargassum populations, compared the phenology between the cultivation populations and
the wild populations of seven seaweeds, and measured the condition of seawater quality in the cultivation sea area and its ad-
jacent sea area. The results show that the fresh weight of the seven seaweeds was 6.3, 5.2, 5.2, 3.5, 2.5, 2.3 and 0.9kg·m−2
re-spectively during the cultivation period. The seawater quality of the cultivation sea area was much better than that of the ad-
jacent sea area, and the maturation duration of six seaweeds was earlier in cultivation area than in wild inhabitable area (except
for K.alvarezi). In the view of economic value, production and length of growth period, macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii, S.
Naozhouense and S. integerrimum can be considered as potential good species to cultivate in Liusha Gulf and other areas in
western Guangdong.
Key words: Liusha Gulf; macroalga; cultivation phenology; growth; yield; seawater quality
XIE En-yi,CHEN Xiu-li,SHEN Yu-chun,YE Ning,WU Zao-he
. Comparison of seven macroalgae cultivation and effects on
cultivation area’s seawater quality in Liusha Gulf[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2011
, 30(3)
: 69
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.03.069
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