Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Aquaculture carrying capacity of Pinctada martensii in Liusha Bay of Zhanjiang
Received date: 2010-09-11
Revised date: 2011-01-14
Online published: 2011-07-20
Nutrient Dynamic Model and Fang Jianguang’s Model were used to estimate aquaculture carrying capacity of
Pinctada martensii in the Liusha Bay. Biomass of plankton, chlorophyll a, primary production, weight ratio of whole P. ma r t -
ensii to fresh tissue, biomass of benthic shellfish in tidal and subtidal area, biomass of fouling filtered animals in the Liusha
Bay were measured during March 2008 to January 2009. The filtered rates of cultured shellfish and wild filter animals were
measured by the Clearance Method. The aquaculture carrying capacity of P. martensii was estimated by excluding the biomass
of wild filtering shellfish from the carrying capacity of filtered animals. The results show that aquaculture carrying capacity of
P. martensii in the Liusha Bay should be 19637.5t and 20126.4t according to the results of the two models, with an average of
19881.95t. The suitable area for culturing P. martensii in the Liusha Bay
should be 461.83hm2
based on normal culture density
) and average commercial size (41g·ind−1
Key words: Liusha Bay; Pinctada martensii; aquaculture carrying capacity
ZHU Chun-hua,SHEN Yu-chun,XIE En-yi,YE Ning,WANG Yan,DU Xiao-dong,WU Zao-h . Aquaculture carrying capacity of Pinctada martensii in Liusha Bay of Zhanjiang[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2011 , 30(3) : 76 -81 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.03.076
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