Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Surface sediment characteristics and transport trend in Lingdingyang Bay of the Pearl River Estuary
Received date: 2010-01-12
Revised date: 2010-07-16
Online published: 2011-09-08
The authors analyzed surface sediment characteristics of Lingdingyang Bay in the Pearl River Estuary based on 230
bed material samples collected in December 2004. Sediment transport trends were identified by the grain-size trends calculated
using the Gao-Collins Grain Size Trend Analysis Model (GSTA model). The results indicate that there are six types of bed
materials in the Lingdingyang Bay, with clayey silt being the dominant type. Under the influences of runoff, tidal current, wind
waves, and salty water, the bed sediments in the northern zone are the coarsest; those in the southern zone are coarse; those in
the middle zone are the finest; and those in the eastern zone are a little coarser than those in the western zone. The sorting of
bed sediment becomes better and better from the middle zone to both the east coast and the west coast, but the total sorting is
poor. The spatial distribution and deposition characteristics of different grain-size sediments are different. The patterns of the
sediment transport in the Lingdingyang Bay are very complex, but the total sediment transport trend is southwestward. Under
the influences of various forcing, the sediments around the inner Lingdingyang Bay take on a clockwise rotation circumfluence
transport; the center zone of the inner Lingdingyang Bay is the maximum turbidity zone and the sediments mostly deposit
vertically. Under the influences of slit and clay diffusing westward, the sediments in the southern zone of Qi’ ao Island and the
eastern zone of Macau Peninsula transport to the west. The Dayu Strait and its adjacent sea area of outer Lingding Island are
the main inlets of high salinity water, and the sediments transport to the northwest.
XIAO Zhi-jian,LI Tuan-jie,LIAO Shi-zhi . Surface sediment characteristics and transport trend in Lingdingyang Bay of the Pearl River Estuary[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2011 , 30(4) : 58 -65 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.04.058
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