Marine Biology

Effects of freezing storage of fertile Gloiopeltis furcata on its released spores’ number and spores’ attachment

  • Chen-Su-Wen ,
  • Tun-Jin-Feng ,
  • Chen-Li-Xiong-
  • South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute , Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Guangzhou 510300, China

Received date: 2010-11-02

  Revised date: 2011-02-14

  Online published: 2012-03-13


In order to study spore culture of Gloiopeltis furcata in non-reproduction season, two experiments were conducted on freezing storage of fertile Gloiopeltis furcata in terms of its released spores’ number and spores’ attachment. In the first experiment, six group of fertile Gloiopeltis furcata of different dry-degree was preserved at - 18 ℃ for six months and then released at water temperature of 16 ℃ . The results showed that the best preservation effect of fertile Gloiopeltis furcata was the group that dry weight was about 25% of its fresh weight. The released spores’ number of this group was about 77.6% of the control group (the fertile Gloiopeltis furcata which was not dealed with air drying and preservation) and there was no significant difference in spores’ attachment between this group and the control group. In the second experiment, fertile Gloiopeltis furcata that dry weight was about 1/4 of its fresh weight was preserved at - 18 ℃ , - 36 ℃ , and - 80 ℃ for eight months and then released spores at water temperature of 8 ℃ , 12 ℃ , 16 ℃ , and 20 ℃ . The results showed maximum spores appeared at water temperature of 12 ℃ and fertile Gloiopeltis furcata that preserved at - 36 ℃ and - 80 ℃ released more spores than those preserved at - 18 ℃ . The two experiments showed a simple and convenient method for spore culture of Gloiopeltis furcata in non-reproduction season and would assist the preservation of germ plasm of Gloiopeltis.

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Chen-Su-Wen , Tun-Jin-Feng , Chen-Li-Xiong- . Effects of freezing storage of fertile Gloiopeltis furcata on its released spores’ number and spores’ attachment[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012 , 31(1) : 67 -71 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.01.067


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