China is rich in marine biological resources. Its sustainable utilization of marine biological resources is one of the most effective and innovative areas in the world's scientific and technological innovation. China's marine economy had achieved exciting results during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period. In this paper, the science and technology layout and progress of marine biological resources research were analyzed; the constraints of marine science and technology development include five aspects: imperfect theoretical system, lack of funding support, insufficient support of research platform, weak development of talent team, and shortage of integrated product development. It was proposed that the major basic scientific issues and technical issues should be concerned, the efficiency of using scientific and technological input should be improved, the construction of scientific research platform should be strengthened, the high-level key leaders and young scientific talents should be stably supported, and the development of new marine products and its popularization should be emphasized.
. Thoughts on science and technology layout of marine biological resources research in China[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012
, 31(1)
: 79
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.01.079
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