During December 2010 and March 2011, Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) experiment was carried out in the southwest sub-basin of the South China Sea (SWSB). Three types of OBS, Sedis IV type, I-4C type and MicrOBS type, were used in the experiment, and the energy source was supplied by 4?24.5L large volume air-gun. High quality seismic data that covered the extinct mid ocean ridge of the SWSB were acquired. The data could provide evidence for oceanic crust structure of the SWSB and seafloor spreading course, among others. The data of the seven stations of Profile 1 have been processed, which shows that the seismic records are clear and seismic phases are abundance and that the air-guns had enough energy supplies. Seismic phase analysis and first arrival tomography indicate that the crust of the SWSB is normal oceanic crust with a thin sedimentary layer on the seamount and shallow moho, which provides a good foundation for future research.
TUN Zhen-Li
LI Jia-Biao
QIU Hua-Lin
DING Wei-Wei
. Wide-angle seismic exploration in the southwest sub-basin of the South China Sea[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012
, 31(3)
: 35
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.03.005
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