Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Simulation on evolution of the inner-core structure of typhoon Damrey over Hainan Island
Received date: 2010-11-15
Revised date: 2011-07-22
Online published: 2012-10-24
Using the non-hydrostatic model WRF V2.2, Typhoon Damrey (0518) that moved over Hainan Island is simulated. The results show well simulated track, intensity, circulation and precipitation characteristics of the typhoon. Based on the model output, the dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of its inner-core area are analyzed. The results are as follows. 1) When Damrey moved over Hainan Island, the inner-core tangential wind speed changed little in the lower and upper levels. The speed decreased near the surface and middle levels during its landfall and the earlier stage when it passed the island. And the speed increased during the later stage while passing the island and its movement off the island and into the sea. 2) There existed main outflow, return inflow, main inflow and return outflow in the lower and upper troposphere. During the landfall and the earlier stage as a topical cyclone (TC) that passed the island, velocity of the main inflow varied little while the main outflow decreased remarkably. During the later stage of the TC that passed the island and its movement off the island and into the sea, the main outflow and return outflow significantly increased and exhibited a merging trend. 3) When it moved over Hainan Island, the vertical wind shear decreased instead of increasing over the typhoon circulation that usually occurs in the TC that moves from sea to land. The downshear direction shifted clockwise first, and then counter-clockwise. The precipitation area coincided well with the downshear’s left-hand side. 4) During the landfall and the earlier stage of the TC that passed the island, the vertical velocity and condensational heat decreased significantly in the lower and upper troposphere. During the later stage of the TC that passed the island, it continued to decrease in the upper troposphere but increase largely in the lower troposphere.
Key words: Typhoon Damrey; landfall; Hainan Island; inner-core; structure evolution
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