Marine Geophysics

Fracture detection in carbonate reservoir using numerical simulation of tectonic stress field

  • CHEN Zhao-ming ,
  • ZHU Ming ,
  • WANG Rui-liang ,
  • LIU Jun ,
  • LIU Zheng ,
  • XUAN Chang-ji
  • The Research Institute of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (China) Ltd. Shenzhen, Guangzhou 510240, China

Received date: 2010-08-06

  Revised date: 2011-01-24

  Online published: 2013-02-06


It is important to identify fractures in carbonate reservoir. Based on the method to identify fracture and the mathematic principle of numerical simulation, the algorithm and process of fracture detection applied in pre-stack 3D seismic data were designed and realized using numerical simulation of tectonic stress field. For target areas in LH11-1 reef reservoir oilfield in the Dongsha Uplift, Pearl River Mouth Basin, the parameters of pre-stack 3D seismic inversion were closely combined with numerical simulation of tectonic stress field and seismic inversion to construct fine heterogeneous mechanical model. Because of the pre-stack elastic parameter was considered in heterogeneous model, so it is more reasonable and more accurate than homogenous model in detecting fracture in carbonate reservoir.

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CHEN Zhao-ming , ZHU Ming , WANG Rui-liang , LIU Jun , LIU Zheng , XUAN Chang-ji . Fracture detection in carbonate reservoir using numerical simulation of tectonic stress field[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012 , 31(5) : 70 -73 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.05.010


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