By combining the optimum interpolation method (OI) and a numerical model of harmful algal bloom (HAB), data assimilation is conducted for sea surface temperature and nutrients in the high-frequent HAB occurrence area in the East China Sea, using data of non-uniform spatial and temporal resolution from satellite remote sensing and routine marine investigations. The assimilation shows that the process of HAB is simulated numerically and that the model error of sea surface temperature is corrected to some extent, especially in the section from 18 to 20℃ that influences the growth of algae greatly. In addition, the surface nutrients are obviously optimized closer to the observations. The simulation without assimilation does not have any HAB because the concentration of algae dissipates quickly. In contrast, the assimilation shows the processes of large-scale diatom and dinoflagellate HABs occurring alternately, which is more consistent with the in-situ data. With the advantage of improving marine environment background fields, coupled OI data assimilation of HAB can be well applied to forecasting and warning HAB.
ZHU Liang-sheng
HU Jin-peng
. Optimum interpolation method and its application in numerical simulation of high-frequency harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012
, 31(6)
: 29
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.06.005
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