Based on the cross calibrated multi-platform (CCMP), a remotely-sensed sea-surface wind field by NASA, wind wave field near the Pearl River Estuary is simulated with Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) nested in WAVEWATCH. The numerical results of significant wave height, wave period and wave direction are compared with the measured data quantitatively. We find that for significant wave height, the mean absolute error is 15.4 cm, Scatter Index (SI) is 0.240 and the correlation coefficient is 0.925; that for wave period, the mean absolute error is 1.9 s, SI is 0.433 and the correlation coefficient is 0.636; and that for wave direction, the mean absolute error is 23.9°. Therefore, the numerical results are in agreement with the measured wave height and wave direction. However, due to the drawbacks of the third generation wave models, the calculated wave period is shorter than the measured period. Generally, the numerical model used in this paper can simulate the wave field near the Pearl River Estuary effectively. In addition, the influences of different calculation methods and different wind fields on the precision of the numerical results and on the calculation efficiency are studied using six cases. It is illustrated that the present calculation method and the CCMP wind field can effectively improve the numerical results.
ZHANG Hong-sheng
GU Jun-bo
WANG Hai-long
WANG Le-ming
. Simulating wind wave field near the Pearl River Estuary with SWAN nested in WAVEWATCH[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2013
, 32(1)
: 8
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.01.002
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