Beach is an important sedimentary morphological unit of sandy coast, and its sedimentary characteristics and stability are significant for its reasonable utilization and protection. Based on the grain-size data of beach surface sediment in the west coast of Haikou Bay, temporal and spatial distribution of beach sediment was explored; and the stability in this area was also analyzed through the comparison of beach height and underwater topography. The results show that the beach is on the slightly unstable stage of surface erosion, and that the shoal outside of the coast is on the slightly unstable stage of slope erosion. Moreover, the sedimentary dynamic mechanism and the reason of the beach erosion in the west coast of Haikou Bay were studied according to wave actions and sand sources.
ZHOU Han-yu
CHEN Shen-liang
ZHONG Xiao-jing
WANG Dao-ru
CHEN Yan-ping
GU Guo-chuan
. Sedimentary characteristics and stability analysis of the beach in west coast of Haikou Bay[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2013
, 32(1)
: 26
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.01.004
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