The Kueishan hydrotherm area in the northeast of Taiwan Island has shallow water hydrothermal activities on the seafloor. So far, we have found more than 30 hydrothermal vents from 10 to 30m depth in the area. This article mainly introduces the mechanism encapsulation, hardware circuit and software design of our own scattering underwater turbidimeter. We used the scattering underwater turbidimeter to do towing operations in Kueishan Tao area from May 25 to May 30 in 2011. During this sea trial, we found a new hydrothermal vent (24°50′09″N, 121°58′08″E) in the northeast of the area. The results of the sea trial show that the scattering underwater turbidimeter is able to detect large changes in turbidity, and that the measurement accuracy of small changes in turbidity is not high. We will make some improvements in the turbidimeter in the near future.
QIN Hua-wei
ZHOU Hong-wei
YE Ying
PAN Yi-wen
YANG Li-kun
. Research and development of scattering turbidimeter in the use of hydrotherm seeking in Kueishan Tao area[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2013
, 32(1)
: 76
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.01.011
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