This study assesses the accuracy of Aquarius/SAC-D satellite sea surface salinity (SSS) data in the South China Sea using Argo buoy data, and analyzes the influencing factors. The results indicate that the linear relationship of co-located data is not significant. The SSS inversion accuracy in the South China Sea and northeastern waters is 0.62‰ and 0.70‰, respectively. Located at low latitude, the sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea is high, which has a small effect on the accuracy. The factors that influence the SSS accuracy may be the strong breeze, rainfall and land radio frequency interference (RFI), etc. The results show that the SSS retrieval error increases with wind speed when the wind speed is greater than 7 m·s-1, and that the error has a clear ascendant trend. Meanwhile, the South China Sea is seriously contaminated by the land RFI. Even if the Aquarius/SAC-D SSS product has corrected the land RFI in its new Version 1.3. The RFI is not eliminated, and may still have an influence on the accuracy.
WANG Xin-xin
YANG Jian-hong
ZHAO Dong-zhi
WANG Xiang
SUN Guang-lun
. Assessment of Aquarius/SAC-D salinity data accuracy in the South China Sea[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2013
, 32(5)
: 23
DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.05.004
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