Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Numerical simulation of suspended sediment transport and seabed change in the Beilun Estuary based on a two-dimensional tidal current model
Received date: 2012-07-23
Revised date: 2012-09-26
Online published: 2014-01-21
To study the seabed change in the Beilun Estuary caused by natural factors, a two-dimensional current sediment numerical model is set up using the finite volume numerical method. This numerical model is validated by the measured hydrological and sediment data. The results show that the model is able to effectively simulated the movements of current and suspended sediment. We also calculate and analyze the suspended sediment transport and seabed scour of the estuary. The results reveal that the suspended sediment concentration is small in early summer, about 3-70 mg·L-1, and the sediment concentration during the ebb tide is larger than that during the flood tide. The changes of erosion and deposition in most regions are no more than 0.05 m·a-1. The estuary is in a dynamic balance of little erosion or deposition.
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