Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Progress in detecting seagrass carbon flux over optically shallow water using satellite remote sensing
Received date: 2012-01-09
Revised date: 2012-05-02
Online published: 2014-01-21
In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to ocean carbon flux, which leads to new discovery of ocean carbon sinks. Studying carbon flux and carbon cycle of seagrass ecosystem can provide first-hand data for calculating ocean carbon flux in China and for finding new carbon sinks. In the paper, the authors summarized seagrass carbon flux process, effects of seagrass on ocean carbon flux, factors affecting seagrass carbon flux, and satellite remote sensing methods and models. The review can provide guide for how to study seagrass carbon flux.
Key words: seagrass; carbon flux; satellite remote sensing
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