In order to elucidate background information on the genetic diversity and population history of Acanthopagrus schlegelii, the genetic diversity, population genetic structure and demographic history of Dongji stock, Aotou stock and Wanning stock of the black porgy were analyzed based on the control region fragment of mitochondrial DNA in this study. The results showed that the sequences of 88 individuals of the three stocks were 715~716 bp in length and that there were 59 haplotypes. The value of haplotype diversity ranged from 0.949 to 0.985 and the nucleotide diversity, from 0.0068 to 0.00901. These results indicated that the three wild stocks presented a high level of genetic diversity. Significant population differentiation was detected for the two populations of Dongji stock and Aotou stock, while there was no significant genetic differentiation between Dongji stock and Wanning stock as well as between Aotou stock and Wanning stock. In addition, no obvious lineages and geographic clusters were found in the neighbor-joining tree, which supported the notion that unique management unit (MU) was recognized on the basis of the southern populations. Both neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analysis suggested a late Pleistocene population expansion for the three stocks. The genetic diversity and population genetic structure revealed were attributed to the absence of geographic barrier, influence of sea currents and human activities.
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