Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Laboratory study on the effect of varying reef-flat width on wave transformation and wave-induced setup
Received date: 2018-07-29
Request revised date: 2018-11-05
Online published: 2019-04-15
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51679014)
Hunan Science and Technology Plan Program (2017RS3035)
Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Coastal Disasters and Defense of Ministry of Education (201602)
A series of laboratory experiments were carried out in a wave flume to study the influences of different reef-flat widths on wave transformation over reef coasts as well as wave-induced setup on reef flats. A series of incident irregular wave conditions were tested based on the idealized reef model with three reef-flat widths. Results show that as waves propagate across the reef, the swell height decays all the way, whereas the infragravity wave height increases gradually along the reef and reaches the maximum at the shoreline. Near the shoreline, the swell height decreases with increasing reef-flat width, but the variation of infragravity wave height with the reef-flat width is not obvious. The effect of varying reef-flat width on wave-induced setup over the reef flat is insignificant. The first resonant mode is identified on reef flat for the infragravity waves, and the level of resonant amplification near the shoreline is determined by the combined effect of reef-flat water depth, incident peak wave period and reef-flat width.
YAO Yu , HE Tiancheng , TANG Zhengjiang , JIANG Changbo . Laboratory study on the effect of varying reef-flat width on wave transformation and wave-induced setup[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2019 , 38(2) : 13 -19 . DOI: 10.11978/2018079
Fig. 1 Experimental setup. h0 donates the offshore water depth; hr donates the reef-flat water depth图1 实验布置图 |
Fig. 2 Swell height (HSS), infragravity wave height (HIG) and total wave height (HT), across the reef profile (wave condition HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m )图2 不同礁坪宽度(${{W}_{\text{r}}}$)下短波波高(HSS)、低频长波波高(HIG)和总波高(HT)的沿礁变化(波况: HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m) |
Fig. 3 Variations of swell height (HSS) and infragravity wave height (HIG) with reef-flat width (Wr) near the coastline at G8 (HS0=0.08m). Circles denote Tp=1.5s; Squares denote Tp=1.5s; Triangles denote Tp=2.0s; Solid markers denote hr=0.05m; Open markers denote hr=0.1m图3 海岸线附近(G8)短波波高(HSS)和低频长波波高(HIG)随礁坪宽度(Wr)的变化(HS0=0.08m) |
Fig. 4 Variation of wave-induced setup (${{\bar{\eta }}_{\text{ r}}}$) on the reef-flat width with (a) incident significant wave height (HS0) and (b) reef-flat width (Wr). Circles donate Tp=1.0s; Squares donate Tp=1.5s; Triangles donate Tp=2.0s; Black markers donate hr=0.05m; White markers donate hr=0.1m图4 礁坪波浪增水(${{\bar{\eta }}_{\text{ r}}}$)随入射有效波高(a)和礁坪宽度(b)的变化 |
Fig. 5 Variation of wave spectra with different reef-flat widths (Wr) across the reef profile (HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m). The dashed line denotes the splitting frequency between the swell wave and the infragravity wave frequency bands图5 不同礁坪宽度(Wr)条件下波浪谱的沿礁变化(HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m) |
Fig. 6 Wave spectra within the infragravity band ($f$= 0 - 0.33 Hz) near the coastline (G8) under different water depths (hr), periods (Tp) and reef-flat widths (Wr). (a) HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m, Wr=8m; (b) HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.1m, Wr=8m; (c) HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.0s, hr=0.05m, Wr=8m; (d) HS0=0.08m, Tp=2.0s, hr=0.05m, Wr=8m; (e) HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m, Wr=4.8m; (f) HS0=0.08m, Tp=1.5s, hr=0.05m, Wr=11.2m. In each plot, the left vertical dashed line denotes the first-order resonant frequency, and the right vertical dashed line denotes the second-order resonant frequency图6 海岸线附近(G8)低频波浪频谱(f = 0~0.33Hz)随礁坪水深(hr), 波浪周期(Tp)和礁坪宽度(Wr)的变化 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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