热带海洋学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 30-37.doi: 10.11978/2022223CSTR: 32234.14.2022223

• 海洋化学 • 上一篇    下一篇


王辰燕1(), 史敬文1, 颜安南1, 康亚茹1, 王煜轩1, 覃素丽1, 韩民伟1, 张瑞杰1,2,3(), 余克服1,2,3   

  1. 1. 广西大学海洋学院, 广西 南宁 530004
    2. 广西大学珊瑚礁研究中心, 广西 南宁 530004
    3. 广西南海珊瑚礁研究重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530004
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-19 修回日期:2022-12-16 出版日期:2023-09-10 发布日期:2022-12-19
  • 作者简介:

    王辰燕(1999—), 女, 广西壮族自治区北海市人, 本科, 研究方向为海洋科学。email:

  • 基金资助:
    广西自然科学基金项目(2020GXNSFDA297005); 广西南海珊瑚礁研究重点实验室自主课题项目(GXLSCRSCS2021101); 广西大学创新创业训练计划项目(202210593887); 国家自然科学基金项目(42030502); 国家自然科学基金项目(42090041)

Bioaccumulation characteristics and source apportionment of organophosphate esters in Acanthaster planci from the South China Sea

WANG Chenyan1(), SHI Jingwen1, YAN Annan1, KANG Yaru1, WANG Yuxuan1, QIN Suli1, HAN Minwei1, ZHANG Ruijie1,2,3(), YU Kefu1,2,3   

  1. 1. School of Marine Sciences, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
    2. Coral Reef Research Center of China, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
    3. Guangxi Laboratory on the Study of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea, Nanning 530004, China
  • Received:2022-10-19 Revised:2022-12-16 Online:2023-09-10 Published:2022-12-19
  • Supported by:
    Guangxi Natural Science Foundation(2020GXNSFDA297005); Guangxi Laboratory on the Study of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea Independent Project(GXLSCRSCS2021101); Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of Guangxi University(202210593887); National Natural Science Foundation of China(42030502); National Natural Science Foundation of China(42090041)


有机磷酸酯(organophosphate esters, OPEs)是环境中一类新型有机污染物, 其在南海水体和生物中普遍存在。有关南海长棘海星中OPEs的富集特征尚缺乏研究。因此, 文章使用气相色谱串联三重四极杆质谱仪(gas chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, GC-MS/MS)对南海珊瑚礁区长棘海星中11种典型OPEs的生物富集特征及来源进行了分析。结果表明, 氯代OPEs普遍存在于长棘海星组织中, 占11种OPEs总含量(∑11OPEs)的95%~98%; 长棘海星中∑11OPEs (干重)存在明显的组织间差异, 幽门盲囊(60.2~1130ng·g-1)和胃(68.2~1181ng·g-1)显著大于表皮(9.31~569ng·g-1)(p<0.05), 幽门盲囊和胃在长棘海星积累OPEs时起着重要作用; 长棘海星组织对磷酸三(1,3-二氯-2-丙基)酯(TDCIPP)的生物富集能力较强, 即TDCIPP在长棘海星组织中的生物富集因子BAFs大于5000L·kg-1; 磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯(TCEP)、磷酸三(1-氯-2-丙基)酯(TCIPP)、TDCIPP和磷酸三正丁酯(TNBP)在从珊瑚向长棘海星传递过程中表现出了生物放大效应, 即长棘海星可以通过捕食珊瑚富集这4种OPEs; 源解析表明, 南海长棘海星体内OPEs可能主要来源于南海渔业活动、岛礁建筑和周边国家废弃物的释放, 少部分可能来自船舶运输过程的释放。

关键词: 有机磷酸酯, 南海, 长棘海星, 生物富集, 来源解析


Organophosphate esters (OPEs) is a new type of organic pollutants in the environment, which are ubiquitous in seawater and organisms in the South China Sea. However, the bioaccumulation characteristics of OPEs in the Acanthaster planci of the South China Sea have not been studied. Therefore, in this study, gas chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) was used to analyze the bioaccumulation characteristics and sources of 11 typical OPEs in the Acanthaster planci in coral reef regions of the South China Sea. The results showed that chlorinated OPEs were ubiquitous in the tissues of Acanthaster planci, accounting for 95% ~ 98% of the total concentrations of 11 OPEs (∑11OPEs). ∑11OPEs (dry weight) in Acanthaster planci showed significant differences among tissues, and ∑11OPEs in the pyloric caecum (60.2 ~ 1130 ng·g-1) and stomach (68.2 ~ 1181 ng·g-1) were significantly higher than those in the epidermis (9.31 ~ 569 ng·g-1) (p < 0.05), pyloric caecum and stomach played an important role in the accumulation of OPEs in the Acanthaster planci. Tri (1,3-dichloro-2-isopropyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) showed strong bioaccumulation ability in the tissues of Acanthaster planci (The bioconcentration factor BAFs of TDCIPP in the Acanthaster planci exceeds 5000 L·kg-1). Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), tris (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP), TDCIPP, and Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TNBP) showed a biomagnification effect in the Acanthaster planci, indicating that these four OPEs can be accumulated by feeding on coral. OPEs in the Acanthaster planci of the South China Sea may mainly come from the release of fishery activities, island and reef buildings, and domestic wastes from surrounding countries, and a small part may come from the release of ship transportation.

Key words: organophosphate esters, South China Sea, Acanthaster planci, bioaccumulation, source apportionment