热带海洋学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 160-169.doi: 10.11978/2023203CSTR: 32234.14.2023203

• 海洋生物学 • 上一篇    下一篇

西沙群岛长棘海星(Acanthaster solaris)繁殖生物学的初步研究

刘界宏1(), 王鹏程1, 王智豪1, 夏文彤1,2, 谢松光1,2, 宋一清1,2()   

  1. 1.海南大学海洋生物与水产学院, 海南 海口 570228
    2.海南大学南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室, 海南 海口 570228
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-29 修回日期:2024-02-22 出版日期:2024-11-10 发布日期:2024-12-05
  • 通讯作者: 宋一清
  • 作者简介:

    刘界宏(1998—), 男, 辽宁省抚顺市人, 硕士研究生, 从事渔业生物学研究。email:

  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划(2022ZDYF3106303); 国家重点研发计划(2022YFD2401302); 国家自然科学基金项目(41876207); 国家自然科学基金项目(42376114); 海南省自然科学基金创新团队项目(322CXTD507); 国家自然科学基金地区项目(42166004)

Preliminary study on the reproductive biology of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster solaris) in the Xisha Islands

LIU Jiehong1(), WANG Pengcheng1, WANG Zhihao1, XIA Wentong1,2, XIE Songguang1,2, SONG Yiqing1,2()   

  1. 1. School of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
    2. Stage Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization In South China Sea, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
  • Received:2023-12-29 Revised:2024-02-22 Online:2024-11-10 Published:2024-12-05
  • Contact: SONG Yiqing
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022ZDYF3106303); National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD2401302); National Natural Science Foundation of China(41876207); National Natural Science Foundation of China(42376114); Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Innovation Team Project(322CXTD507); National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional Project(42166004)


长棘海星(Acanthaster solaris)种群的暴发严重破坏了珊瑚礁生态系统, 对生物多样性造成了显著的影响。深入了解长棘海星的繁殖特征是预测其种群暴发和进行科学管理的关键。本研究于2022年5—7月在西沙群岛十个岛礁采集了长棘海星样品, 对其中928只开展了基础繁殖生物学研究。研究结果显示, 西沙群岛长棘海星的体直径(diameter, D)范围为82~363mm, 平均值为(217±45)mm, 体重(weight, W)范围为16.89~1 003.98g, 平均值为(224.69±123.6)g。体直径和体重呈幂函数关系, 关系式为W=3.357×10-4D2.48 (R2=0.86), 种群生长呈异速生长。雌雄个体性比为1.22:1。雌性海星的初次性成熟体直径为206.38mm。性腺成熟度分为四个时期, 其中性腺指数(gonadosomatic index, GSI)和卵径在Ⅱ期达到最高, 平均值分别为(15.68±6.35)%和(1.27±0.32)mm。绝对繁殖力范围为174 720~11 317 560粒, 平均值为(3 555 081±2 301 657)粒, 相对繁殖力范围为2 176.65~23 851.30粒·g-1, 平均值为(10 581.89±4 213.73)粒·g-1。绝对繁殖力与体直径和体重呈幂函数关系, 关系式分别为Fa=0.028 8D3.346 (R2=0.67, P<0.01)和Fa=2 588.38W1.234 (R2=0.73, P<0.01)。长棘海星的繁殖力与个体大小密切相关。本研究首次揭示了西沙群岛夏季长棘海星的繁殖特征, 将为了解长棘海星的种群动态和暴发机制提供科学依据, 对制定珊瑚礁生态系统有效的保护措施具有重要的意义。

关键词: 西沙群岛, 长棘海星, 性比, 繁殖力


The outbreak of the crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS, Acanthaster solaris) population has severely damaged coral reef ecosystems, leading to a significant impact on biodiversity. The knowledge of the reproductive characteristics of the COTS is crucial for predicting population outbreaks and scientific management strategies. In this study, the samples were collected from ten reefs in the Xisha Islands from May to July 2022, and a total of 928 individuals were conducted for the reproductive biology analysis. The results revealed that the body diameter (diameter, D) of the Xisha Islands ranges from 82 to 363 mm, the mean value was (217±45) mm, the body weight (weight, W) range was 16.89~1 003.98g, and the mean value was (224.69±123.6) g. The relationship between body diameter and weight followed a power function, expressed as W=3.357×10-4D2.48 (R2=0.86), indicating allometric growth in the population. The sex ratio of male to female individuals was 1.22:1. The initial sexual maturity body diameter for female COTS was 206.38mm. Gonadal maturity was classified into four stages, with the highest gonadosomatic index (GSI) and egg diameter occurring in Stage Ⅱ, averaging (15.68±6.35)%and (1.27±0.32) mm, respectively. The absolute fecundity range was 174 720~11 317 560 eggs, with mean of (3 555 081±2 301 657) eggs, relative fecundity range was 2 176.65~23 851.30 eggs·g-1, and the mean value was (10 581.89±4 213.73) eggs·g-1. The relationship between absolute fecundity and body diameter exhibited a power function (Fa=0.028 8D3.346, R2=0.67, P<0.01), and the relationship between relative fecundity and body weight exhibited a power function (Fa=2 588.38W1.234, R2=0.73, P<0.01). Reproductive capacity in COTS was closely related to individual size. This study, for the first time, reveals the reproductive characteristics of COTS in the Xisha Islands during the summer, providing a scientific basis for understanding the population dynamics and outbreak mechanisms of COTS. The results are significant for formulating effective conservation measures for coral reef ecosystems.

Key words: Xisha Islands, Acanthaster solaris, sex ratio, fecundity


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