Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 52-66.doi: 10.11978/2022141CSTR: 32234.14.2022141
Special Issue: 全球变化专题
• Marine Hydrology • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Qinyan1,2(), LI Wenlian1,3, SHI Rui1, CHEN Ju1, LI Chunhui4, XIE Qiang5
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LIU Qinyan, LI Wenlian, SHI Rui, CHEN Ju, LI Chunhui, XIE Qiang. The characteristics of eddy in western boundary current of South China Sea and its relationship with winter circulation[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2023, 42(3): 52-66.
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Fig. 1
Schematic diagram of two types of winter circulation in the SCS. The red line represents "U" pattern, the blue line represents "O" pattern, and the grey arrows indicate the transport of the Luzon Strait (LST), Mindoro Strait (MST), and Karimata Strait (KST). The red dotted box represents the research area. Modified from Zu et al (2019)"
Fig. 2
The horizontal distribution of upper layer current from OFES outputs (a, c) and geostrophic current from AVISO data (b, d). (a) and (c) are the horizontal distribution of the upper layer calculated by OFES data(averaged in upper 241m), where (a)/(c) represents the distribution of "O"/"U" years. (b) and (d) are the same as (a) and (c) but for AVISO data. The gray arrow represents the velocity vector, the color shedding represents the absolute velocity, and the red bold arrow represents the movement of the western boundary current"
Tab. 1
Statistical characteristics of eddy in SCS and the SCSwbc region"
涡旋特征 | CE | AE | All | |||
个数 | 16046 | 67156 | 12502 | 60861 | 28548 | 128017 |
生成 | 289 | 1217 | 202 | 1058 | 491 | 2275 |
消亡 | 319 | 1306 | 281 | 1204 | 600 | 2510 |
振幅/m | 0.039 | 0.028 | 0.032 | 0.027 | 0.036 | 0.028 |
半径/km | 84.87 | 68.90 | 80.81 | 70.01 | 82.84 | 69.46 |
旋转速度/(m·s-1) | 0.278 | 0.203 | 0.240 | 0.191 | 0.259 | 0.197 |
Fig. 5
The histogram distribution of the statistical features of eddy in four seasons. a. the number of eddy occurrence; b. the number of eddy genesis; c. the number of eddy dissipation; d. amplitude; e. rotation speed; f. radius. The green column represents spring (February to April), the orange column represents summer (May to July), the yellow column represents autumn (August to October), and the blue column represents winter (November to January)"
Tab. 2
Statistical characteristics of eddy in the SCSwbc area in “U”/“O” patterns"
涡旋统计特征 | CE | AE | 全部 | |||
O | U | O | U | O | U | |
个数 | 875 | 874 | 686 | 912 | 781 | 893 |
生成 | 21 | 19 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 17 |
消亡 | 21 | 17 | 14 | 17 | 18 | 17 |
振幅/m | 0.028 | 0.029 | 0.026 | 0.025 | 0.027 | 0.027 |
半径/km | 75.26 | 74.00 | 75.03 | 72.32 | 75.14 | 73.16 |
旋转速度/(m·s-1) | 0.233 | 0.244 | 0.192 | 0.203 | 0.212 | 0.224 |
Fig. 8
The horizontal distribution of eddy induced heat transport based on two datasets. (a) MEHT(poleward is positive); (b) ZEHT(east is positive); (c) EHT calculated from monthly mean Argo data (2004-2017); (d-f) are the same as (a-c) but calculated from the monthly average data (1993-2017) provided by OFES products. The red dotted box is the study area"
Fig. 9
Horizontal distribution and differences of MEHT/ZEHT in “O” and “U” pattern based on two datasets. (a-f) are results calculated by Argo data: (a) distribution of ZEHT(poleward is positive) in “O” years; (b) distribution of MEHT in “U” years; (c) difference between “O” and “U” pattern (“O” minus “U”); (d-f) are the same as (a-c) but for MEHT; (g-l) are the same as (a-f) but calculated from the monthly average data (1993-2017) provided by OFES products"
Fig. 11
The horizontal distribution of EHT based on Argo (a-c) and OFES outputs (d-f). The third rows show horizontal distributions of the wind stress and wind stress curl in two patterns based on OFES outputs. (a, d, g) Distribution of “O” pattern; (b, e, h) distribution of “U” pattern; (c) the difference between “O” and “U” pattern (“O” minus “U”). The blue/red arrows in (a, b, d, e) represent the western boundary current of South China Sea in “O”/“U” pattern. The blue arrows in (g) and (h) represent the intensity of wind field in two patterns"
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