Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Physiological responses to light limitation of reef-building corals in the Yongle Atoll of the Xisha Islands
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2023-07-03
Revised date: 2023-08-21
Online published: 2023-09-04
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42277362)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41806139)
Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou City(202002030345)
Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund(PM-zx703-202105-176)
Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund(PM-zx703-202004-143)
Light is one of the most important factors influencing the growth and distribution of reef corals, but the physiological response and adaptability of reef corals to low light is not well understood. In this study, we used an in-situ shading experiment with three typical coral species (Pocillopora verrucosa, Porites lutea and Dipsastraea matthaii) to test how physiological response of corals under light limitation. The experiment site is located at the depth of 10 meters of the Yongle atoll, in which the irradiance in the shaded area was reduced by 80%~90%, and the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) ranges from 20.2 μmol photons·m-2·s-1 to 41.5 μmol photons·m-2·s-1. The results showed that the physiological parameters of three corals changed significantly under light limitation. During 7-day experiments, the effective photosynthetic efficiency (Φ PSII) of the three corals increased, while the maximum electron transport rate (r-ETRmax) and the minimum saturating irradiance (Ek) decreased significantly. Meanwhile, the zooxanthellae density (except Dipsastraea matthaii), chlorophyll a content, tissue thickness and tissue biomass of the three corals decreased in diverse degrees, with the most severe reduction found in Porites lutea that the zooxanthellae density and tissue biomass decreased by 14.2%and 32.9%, respectively. These results suggest that the reef corals adapt to shading by improving their effective photosynthetic efficiency in short-term light limitation, but the energy transformed by photosynthesis could not meet the metabolic needs of coral growth, thus coral tissue biomass and tissue thickness decrease.
Key words: scleractinia coral; light limitation; photo-physiology; Yongle Atoll
WANG Yongzhi , XU Lijia , HUANG Baiqiang , YANG Tianjian , QI Shibin , CHEN Hui , YANG Jing . Physiological responses to light limitation of reef-building corals in the Yongle Atoll of the Xisha Islands[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024 , 43(3) : 31 -39 . DOI: 10.11978/2023092
图1 珊瑚遮光原位实验照片(a)和遮光区及对照区光照强度日变化(b)Fig. 1 Graph of the in-situ light-shading experiment in the Yongle Atoll (a), and the diurnal changes of photosynthetically active radiation in areas with or without shading (b) |
表1 实验珊瑚礁区海水环境因子Tab. 1 Seawater environmental parameters in the experiment coral reefs |
环境因子 | 平均值±标准差 |
SST/℃ | 25.7±0.2 |
盐度/‰ | 33.68±0.28 |
pH | 8.11±0.01 |
溶解氧含量/(mg·L-1) | 6.56±0.17 |
叶绿素 a含量/(μg·L-1) | 0.18±0.04 |
无机氮含量/(μmol·L-1) | 1.46±0.31 |
无机磷含量/(μmol·L-1) | 0.05±0.01 |
表2 荧光参数意义与计算方法Tab. 2 Parameters and definitions of fluorescence |
荧光参数 | 计算公式 | 意义 | |
F0 | 初始荧光, 即在暗适应状态下当 PSII 的所有反应中心处于完全开放状态并且所有的非光化学过程处于最小时的荧光产量 | ||
F0’ | 光适应状态下的初始荧光 | ||
Fm | 最大荧光, 即在暗适应状态下当 PSII 的所有反应中心处于完全关闭状态并且所有的非光化学过程处于最大时的荧光产量 | ||
Fm’ | 光适应状态下的最大荧光 | ||
Ft | 任意时间实际荧光产量 | ||
ΦPSII | (Fm’-Ft)/Fm’ | PSII 的实际光量子产量, 反映造礁石珊瑚实时的光合速率 | |
qP | (Fm’-Ft) /(Fm’-F0’) | 光化学淬灭系数, 即激发能被开放的反应中心捕获并转化为化学能而导致的荧光淬灭, 反映了光适应状态下造礁石珊瑚的光能利用转化能力 | |
NPQ | (Fm - Fm’)/ Fm’ | 非光化学淬灭系数, 即激发能以热能形式耗散而导致的荧光淬灭, 反映光适应状态下造礁石珊瑚在光能利用中热耗散能量的比例 | |
Y(NPQ) | Ft/ Fm’- Ft/ Fm | 调节性能量耗散量子产量, 反映造礁石珊瑚在光适应状态下光合过程中非利用光能自我调节性耗散的比例 | |
Y(NO) | F/ Fm | 非调节性能量耗散量子产量, 反映造礁石珊瑚在光适应状态下的光损伤情况 | |
r-ETRmax | 通过LC曲线拟合获取 | 最大电子传递速率, 反映造礁石珊瑚在饱和光强下的光能利用能力 | |
Ek | r-ETRmax/LC曲线初始斜率 | 饱和辐射光强, 反映造礁石珊瑚能够有效利用的最大光照强度 |
图2 遮光实验中三种珊瑚的荧光参数a. 实际光量子产量ΦPSII; b. 光化学淬灭系数qP; c. 非光化学淬灭系数NPQ; d. 调节性能量耗散量子产量Y(NO); e. 非调节性能量耗散的量子产量Y(NPQ); f. 最大相对电子传递速率r-ETRmax; g. 饱和光强Ek。柱状图内不同字母标记表明存在显著性差异(P<0.05) Fig. 2 The effect of shading on fluorescence parameters of coral. (a)ΦPSII; (b) qP; (c) NPQ; (d) Y(NO); (e)Y(NPQ); (f) r-ETRmax; (g) Ek. letters above histograms denote statistical differences (P<0.05) |
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