Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Systematic reorganization of historical data of scientific investigation in the South China Sea and its affiliated islands and reefs 1. data reorganization technology and application
Received date: 2023-08-17
Revised date: 2023-10-16
Online published: 2023-11-02
Supported by
Science and Technology Basic Resources Investigation Program of China(2017FY201400)
National Earth System Science Data Center (
The 14th Five-year Network Security and Informatization Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences(WX145XQ06-05)
Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA19060500)
National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFE0203500)
Science and Technology Program of Guangdong Province(2022B1212050003)
Guangdong Province Marine Economic Development (Six Major Marine Industries) Special Fund Project(Guangdong Natural Resources Cooperation [2022] 52)
The South China Sea is the core interest of China. Since the 1950s, dozens of large-scale comprehensive marine scientific surveys in the South China Sea and its affiliated islands have been organized. A large number of important raw data were obtained. However, early data has not yet been digitized, with varying standards for data recording, quality control, and archiving, and is even scattered or on the verge of loss of original materials. There is an urgent need for rescue and reorganization. The “Reorganization of historical data from scientific investigations of the South China Sea and its affiliated islands and reefs” has completed the standardized compilation of historical data from 353 projects, 664 voyages, and over 200 elements from 1950 to 2019. It has constructed a comprehensive database of first-hand surveyed and valuable scientific data, including hydrometeorology, marine chemistry, bioecology, fishery resources, geological environment, and geological samples of islands and reefs. At the same time, scientific analysis of the data was completed, and some new analytical data products were formed. A set of 12 books titled “Compilation of Historical Materials for the South China Sea Scientific Expedition” and 7 other monographs were published. This series of articles is divided into three parts. Article 1 focuses on the systematic compilation of historical data, and briefly discusses the implementation steps of standardized compilation, and proposes the corresponding strategies for technical difficulties; Article 2 briefly discusses the research and practice of the South China Sea ocean data governance technology for scientific management of integrated data; Article 3 briefly discusses the construction practice and innovative application of “Digital South China Sea” for the sharing service of integrated data. This series of articles comprehensively discusses the research process and practical experience of the comprehensive database and “Digital South China Sea”, providing reference for the data standardized compilation of the relevant marine scientific investigations.
XU Chao , LONG Lijuan , LI Sha , HE Yunkai , YUAN Li , XU Xiaolu . Systematic reorganization of historical data of scientific investigation in the South China Sea and its affiliated islands and reefs 1. data reorganization technology and application[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024 , 43(5) : 143 -149 . DOI: 10.11978/2023125
表1 资料与数据信息表Tab.1 Summary of profile and data |
数据库 | 扫描资料文件数/个 | 扫描资料量/MB | 数据集实体数/个 | 数据量/MB |
科考历史资料 | 5611 | 52410 | 26 | 32100 |
南海水文气象 | 11 | 151 | 79 | 9020 |
南海海洋化学 | 17 | 710 | 209 | 3010 |
海洋生物生态 | 865 | 5620 | 138 | 698 |
南海渔业资源 | 261 | 23500 | 138 | 778 |
南海地质环境 | 208 | 6540 | 1213 | 144000 |
岛礁地质样品 | 78 | 1670 | 66 | 4480 |
表2 南海科考历史资料整编数据资源体系Tab. 2 Data resource system for the compilation of historical data of the South China Sea scientific investigation |
数据库 | 主要数据集 | 主要数据要素 |
南海水文气象 | 水文 | 站位、经度、纬度、观测时间、深度、温度、盐度、深度 |
气象 | 站位、经度、纬度、观测时间、高度、风速、风向、气温、气压、湿度 | |
南海海洋化学 | 海水化学 | 站位、经度、纬度、采样时间、采样层次、溶解氧、氧饱和度、pH、总碱度、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、铵盐、活性磷酸盐、活性硅酸盐、悬浮物、总有机碳、溶解态无机碳、重金属(元素符号) |
沉积化学 | 站位、经度、纬度、采样时间、沉积物深度、Ba、Cd、Co、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Sc、U、Al、Fe、Sr | |
同位素化学 | 站位、经度、纬度、采样时间、采样层次、温度、盐度、镭同位素值、铀同位素值、钍同位素值、氢同位素值、氧同位素值、钋铅同位素值、碳氮同位素值、活度比值等 | |
海洋生物生态 | 浮游植物 | 层次、生物量、门(中文)、门(拉丁文)、纲(中文)、纲(拉丁文)、目(中文)、目(拉丁文)、科(中文)、科(拉丁文)、属(中文)、属(拉丁文)、种名(中文)、种名(拉丁文)、密度/个数 |
浮游动物 | ||
大型底栖生物 | ||
叶绿素 | 水层、叶绿素a浓度 | |
初级生产力 | 水深、相对光强、初级生产力、叶绿素a浓度、生产力指数 | |
南海渔业资源 | 鱼类资源调查 | 拖网时长、放网位置(N)、放网位置(E)、起网位置(N)、起网位置(E)、种名、渔获量、尾数、每公斤尾数、每小时渔获量、占总渔获量(单位: %) |
甲壳类资源调查 | ||
头足类资源调查 | ||
其他类资源调查 | ||
南海地质环境 | 地形地貌与海洋沉积 | 水深测量、地形测量、沉积物粒度 |
南海地质构造与地球物理 | 磁力测量、重力测量、浅层剖面、侧扫声呐、单道与多道地震 | |
工程地质与灾害地质 | 珊瑚礁动力触探试验结果、波速和密度特征、动力学弹性模量、物性试验 | |
海岸带地质环境 | 岸线、滩面地形 | |
岛礁地质样品 | 地层描述原始记录 | 层号、深度、经度、纬度、编录时间、层厚、岩石类型、特征描述 |
碳14地质年代分析 | 样品号、深度、样品名称、矿物、经度、纬度、测试时间、14C年龄 | |
铀系地质年代分析 | 样品号、深度、样品名称、矿物、经度、纬度、测试时间、U、234U/238U、Th、230Th/232Th、230Th/234U、年龄 | |
粒度分析 | 样品号、深度、经度、纬度、测试时间、砾(单位: %)、砂(单位: %)、粉砂(单位: %)、黏土(单位: %)、粒度类别、MDØ、QDØ、SKØ | |
扫描电镜与能谱分析 | 样品号、深度、经度、纬度、照片号、特征、测试时间、Na2O、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2、K2O、CaO、TiO2、Cr2O3、MnO、Fe2O3、Na、Cl、P2O5 | |
碳酸盐矿物学分析 | 样品号、深度、经度、纬度、测试时间、文石、白云石、低镁方解石MgCO3 (单位: mol%)、高镁方解石MgCO3 (单位: mol%) | |
同位素地球化学分析 | 样品号、深度、矿物、经度、纬度、测试时间、δ13C (单位: ‰)、σ (单位: ‰)、δ18O (单位: ‰)、87Sr/86Sr | |
元素地球化学分析 | 样品号、深度、样品名称、经、纬度、测试日期、Be、Ba、B、Pb、Sn、Ti、Mn、Ga、Cr、Ni、V、Cu、Zr、Ag、Zn、Co、Sr、Mo、P2O5、Sc、Y、La、Ce、Yb、Nb、Ta、U、Th、As、Sb、Bi、Cd、W、In、Ge、Li、Tl | |
微古鉴定 | 样品号、深度、经度、纬度、分析时间、分析样品质量、有孔虫、腹足类、孢粉、介形虫、硅藻、苔藓虫 |
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