Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Diagnostic analysis of a cold vortex persistent rainstorm process along the coast of Shandong Peninsula in early summer
Editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2024-01-18
Revised date: 2024-04-10
Online published: 2024-04-22
Supported by
Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2021MD010)
Innovation Fund Project of the Public Service Center of China Meteorological Administration(M2021019)
Innovative Team of Typhoon and Marine Meteorology of Shandong Province(SDCXTD2021-2)
Key Scientific Research Project of Shandong Provincial Meteorological Bureau(2022sdqxz11)
Scientific and Technological Research Project of Shandong Provincial Meteorological Bureau(2022sdqxm12)
Using conventional observations and ERA5 reanalysis data, a diagnostic analysis of the thermal and dynamical characteristics of a heavy rainfall process in the eastern coastal area of Shandong on June 14, 2022, was conducted, and the results show that the heavy rainfall process occurred in the context of the cold trough at the bottom of the cold vortex in North China moving eastward to the coast of the Peninsula to induce a cold low vortex. Southeasterly cold and humid advective transport in the boundary layer from the Yellow Sea provides abundant water vapour for the heavy precipitation on the peninsula. The precipitation process was stage-specific. In the first stage of precipitation, the low level was continuously influenced by the western warm advection, and the atmosphere had convective instability, while in the second stage of precipitation, the atmosphere was gradually transformed from neutral laminar junctions to convective instability by the combined influence of the cold and warm advection, and was accompanied by obvious energy fronts. The early stage of both phases of precipitation is caused by the convergence of onshore wind speeds as well as topographic uplift. The cold pool caused by convection in the first stage has an important effect on the maintenance of precipitation in front of the Kunshan Mountains, while the maintenance of the strong precipitation in the second stage is closely related to the generation and maintenance of the mesoscale low eddy in the low altitude, and the obliquely pressurized frontal generation plays an important role in the generation of the mesoscale low eddy. The vorticity analysis shows that the boundary layer low-level convergence and absolute positive vorticity advection are the main vortex sources for the positive vorticity growth of the mesoscale low vortex, and with the emergence of the 500 hPa cutoff cold vortex, the negative effect of the vertical transport of vorticity is obviously strengthened, and the horizontal vorticity tilting effect above the boundary layer, which is related to the mesoscale convective activity, is weaker.
Key words: coastal rainstorm; low vortex; topographic uplift; frontogenesis
CHU Zihe , MEI Chanjuan , ZHANG Can , WAN Fujing , XIN Wenpeng . Diagnostic analysis of a cold vortex persistent rainstorm process along the coast of Shandong Peninsula in early summer[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024 , 43(6) : 50 -62 . DOI: 10.11978/2024022
图2 2022年6月14日08时—15日08时威海、烟台累积降水量分布(a)与6月14日8时—15日1时瓦屋石、盘石店站逐时雨量演变(b)Fig. 2 Cumulative precipitation distribution in Weihai and Yantai from 08:00 CST on June 14 to 08: 00 CST on June 15, 2022 (a)and hourly rainfall evolution at Panshidian and Wawushishi stations from 08:00 CST on June 14 to 01: 00 CST on June 15 (b) |
图11 2022年6月14日08时(a)和18时(b)925hPa流场和散度Fig. 11 925hPa flow field and dispersion at 08:00 CST (a) and 18:00 CST (b) on June 14, 2022 |
图13 2022年6月14日山东半岛低涡区域(36°—38°N, 120°—122°30′E)平均涡度局地变化叠加散度(a)以及平均的绝对涡度平流项(b)、涡度垂直输送项(c)、散度项(d)及倾侧项(e)黑线为散度(单位: 10-5s-1) Fig. 13 The local variation of the average vorticity superimposed on the divergence (a), the average absolute vorticity advection term (b), the vorticity vertical transport term (c), the divergence term (d), and the tilting term (e) in the low vortex region (36°—38°N, 120°—122°30′E) of the Shandong Peninsula on June 14, 2022 |
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