Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 140-153.doi: 10.11978/2023022CSTR: 32234.14.2023022
• Marine Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Shu1,2(), XU Hong2,3, LU Shushen3,4, Zhang Haiyang5, MA Yazeng1,2, LUO Jinxiong1(
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CHEN Shu, XU Hong, LU Shushen, Zhang Haiyang, MA Yazeng, LUO Jinxiong. The framework, reservoir characteristics and reef formation model of Miocene algal reef dolomite in the Xisha Islands*[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024, 43(2): 140-153.
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Fig. 1
Microfocal X-ray scanning samples of algal reef dolomite from Wells Xike 1 and Xiyong 2. (a) Core 1, dolomite of Halimeda Reef, Well Xike 1454.46 m; (b) Core 2, dolomite of Aethesolithon nanhaiensis, Well Xike 1547.38 m; (c) Core 3, Well Xiyong 2550 m; (d) Core 4, Well Xiyong 2400 m; (e) Core 5, Well Xiyong 2520 m; (f) core 6, a small piece of core 5"
Images of Core 4 sliced of Well Sike 1. (a) Original slice; (b) slice after treatment, the red spots indicate tight parts; (c) presentations of the slice along x, y, and z; (d) the longest alga among the samples. The red line indicates the measuring position. The numbers are the length and width of the algae"
Fig. 9
Three-dimensional recomposition of core 4 in Well 2 of Xiyong. (a) Rock sample surface after high-precision CT reconstruction; (b) Distribution of dialyzed algae in the sample; (c) heavy minerals in the carbonatite can be distinguished; (d) Cross section of high-precision CT scan tomography"
Fig. 10
3D reconstructions of cores 5 and 6. (a), (b) and (c) are the whole reconstruction, core skeleton reconstruction and pore reconstruction of core 5, respectively; (d), (e) and (f) are the whole reconstruction, core skeleton reconstruction and pore reconstruction of core 6, respectively; Green is the matrix, blue is the pores, red is the matrix and yellow is the pores"
Fig. 11
3D pore reconstruction of the core1 from XK-1. (a) Slice along z at d = 1.32 mm from the first slice; (b) 3D perspective of the core; (c) pore presentation of slice a; (d) 3D pore reconstruction of core b. The solid black lines in the figure indicate the length, width, and height respectively. The length is 25 mm, the width is 13.19 mm, and the height is 16.19 mm"
Fig. 12
Binarized scan images of core 4 and core 5 in different directions. (a), (b) and (c) are slices along x, y, z of core 4, the red spots indicate grains and matrixes, the yellow spots indicate pores; (d) reconstruction image; (e), (f) and (g) are slices along x, y, z of core 5, the green spots indicate grains and matrixes, the blue spots indicate pores; (h) reconstruction image"
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