Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 78-85.doi: 10.11978/2018053CSTR: 32234.14.2018053

• Marine Biology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Single nucleotide polymorphisms of myostation gene and its association with growth traits in Haliotis diversicolor supertexta

Jialin AI1(), Zhimin LI1,2(), Jianyong LIU1, Yuchun SHEN1,2   

  1. 1. Fisheries College Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China
    2. Marine Ecology and Aquaculture Environment of Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang 524088, China
  • Received:2018-05-16 Revised:2018-10-27 Online:2019-03-20 Published:2019-04-15
  • Supported by:
    Development Special Fund of Shenzhen Dapeng New District (KY20170211);Special Fund of Zhanjiang (2015A06006)


Myostatin is an important member of the transforming growth factor (TGF) family that functions to regulate muscle development and growth in animals. It has become one of the most important target genes for genetic improvement of the production of farmed animals. The purpose of this study was to analyze correlation between single nucleotide polymorphisms of the myostatin gene and growth traits of the Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, which is an important aquaculture shellfish. The single nucleotide polymorphisms of the myostatin gene (Hs-MSTN) of H. diversicolor supertexta were identified by direct sequencing of PCR products, and association analysis of SNPs with H. diversicolor supertexta growth traits and Hs-MSTN expression level. Nine SNPs were identified in cDNA of Hs-MSTN, including four synonymous mutations. The associations of these SNPs were analyzed with H. diversicolor supertexta growth traits, including shell length, shell height, and body weight. The g909C>T SNP locus was found to be associated with shell length, shell height, and body weight. The TT type H. diversicolor supertexta showed significantly higher traits values than those of TC and CC types in body weight, and the TT type H. diversicolor supertexta also showed significantly higher traits values than CC type in shell length and shell height (p<0.05). On the contrary, Hs-MSTN transcripts in the musle of those of TC and CC types significantly more than in that of TT type (p<0.05). The results suggested that Hs-MSTN might regulate the addutor musle growth negatively, and SNP g909C>T could be used as a candidate marker for slective breeding of H. diversicolor supertexta.

Key words: Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, MSTN, SNP, growth traits, association analysis

CLC Number: 

  • P735.542