Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 1-16.doi: 10.11978/2023150CSTR: 32234.14.2023150
• Marine Hydrology • Next Articles
YUAN Yu1,2(), XU Haiming1,2(), MA Jing1,2, ZHANG Tong1,2
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YUAN Yu, XU Haiming, MA Jing, ZHANG Tong. Impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on interannual relationship between ENSO and early summer marine heatwaves in the Western Pacific*[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024, 43(5): 1-16.
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Tab. 1
El Niño and La Niña events during 1960-2020"
ENSO事件 | 年份 |
厄尔尼诺事件 | 1963/64, 1965/66, 1972/73, 1982/83, 1986/87, 1987/88, 1991/92, 1994/95, 1997/98, 2002/03, 2004/05, 2009/10, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2018/19 |
拉尼娜事件 | 1961/62, 1962/63, 1964/65, 1966/67, 1967/68, 1970/71, 1971/72, 1973/74, 1974/75, 1975/76, 1984/85, 1988/89, 1995/96, 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2007/08, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2016/17, 2017/18 |
Fig. 1
Spatial pattern of the first mode of the early summer marine heatwaves months in the western Pacific during 1960-2020 (a) and time series of PC1 (grey bar), early summer WPMHWI (red line) and Niño3.4 index in the preceding winter (black line) (b). The black box in (a) indicates the calculation range of the marine heatwaves index in the western Pacific"
Fig. 2
Time series of 21-year sliding correlation coefficient (solid black line) between Niño3.4 index in the preceding winter and early summer WPMHWI, together with AMO index (grey bar). The solid blue line indicates the 95% significance level, and the dashed blue line indicates the 90% significance level"
Fig. 3
Regressed marine heatwaves (unit: months) and 850 hPa anomaly winds (unit: m·s-1) in early summer upon the preceding winter Niño3.4 index during 1998-2018 (a) and 1974-1997 (b). The black box indicates the calculation range of the marine heatwaves index in the western Pacific. Stippling and bold arrow indicates the anomalous field passes the 90% confidence test"
Tab. 2
El Niño and La Niña events in different AMO phases"
厄尔尼诺事件年份 | 拉尼娜事件年份 | |
AMO+ | 1963/64, 1965/66, 1997/98, 2002/03, 2004/05, 2009/10, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2018/19 | 1961/62, 1962/63, 1964/65, 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2007/08, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2016/17, 2017/18 |
AMO- | 1972/73, 1982/83, 1986/87, 1987/88, 1991/92, 1994/95 | 1966/67, 1967/68, 1970/71, 1971/72, 1973/74, 1974/75, 1975/76, 1984/85, 1988/89, 1995/96 |
Fig. 5
Composites of anomalous sea-level pressure (unit: hPa) and 850 hPa winds (unit: m·s-1) (a, b), sea surface net heat flux (c, d), shortwave radiation (e, f), and latent heat flux (unit: W·m-2) (g, h) for El Niño (a, c, e, g) and La Niña (b, d, f, h) events in the following early summer during positive AMO phase. The flux downward is positive, stippling and bold arrow indicates the anomalous field passes the 90% confidence test"
Fig. 6
Composites of anomalous sea-level pressure (unit: hPa) and 850 hPa winds (unit: m·s-1) (a, b), sea surface net heat flux (c, d), shortwave radiation (e, f), and latent heat flux (unit: W·m-2) (g, h) for El Niño (a, c, e, g) and La Niña (b, d, f, h) events in the following early summer during negative AMO phase. The flux downward is positive, stippling and bold arrow indicates the anomalous field passes the 90% confidence test"
Fig. 7
Seasonal evolution of composited anomalous sea surface temperature (unit: ℃) and 850 hPa winds (unit: m·s-1) for El Niño events in winter (a, b), the following spring (c, d), and the following early summer (e, f) during positive (a, c, e) and negative (b, d, f) AMO phases. Stippling and bold arrow indicates the anomalous field passes the 90% confidence test"
Fig. 8
Seasonal evolution of composited anomalous sea surface temperature (unit: ℃) and 850 hPa winds (unit: m·s-1) for La Niña events in winter (a, b), the following spring (c, d), and the following early summer (e, f) during positive (a, c, e) and negative (b, d, f) AMO phases. Stippling and bold arrow indicates the anomalous field passes the 90% confidence test"
Fig. 9
Composite longitude-time sections of anomalous vorticity (shading; unit: ×10-6s-1) averaged over 10°-20°N, sea surface temperature (contour at an interval of 0.1 ℃) and 850 hPa winds (vector; unit: m·s-1) averaged over 5°-15°N for El Niño (a, c) and La Niña (b, d) events from winter to the following early summer during negative (a, b) and positive (c, d) AMO phases. The solid line is positive, and the dashed line is negative"
Fig. 11
Simulated differences of composites of sea surface temperature (unit: ℃) and 850 hPa winds (unit: m·s-1) for El Niño (a, c, e) and La Niña events (b, d, f) in winter (a, b), the following spring (c, d), and early summer (e, f) between negative and positive AMO phase experiment changes with the seasons"
Fig. 12
Schematic diagram of air-sea interactions for AMO−/El Niño (a), AMO−/La Niña (b), AMO+/El Niño (c) and AMO+/La Niña (d). The marker “AC” and “C” represents anticyclone and cyclone, respectively. Red shade and blue shade represent warm and cold anomalies, respectively, and the darker shading suggests that the sea temperature anomalies are relatively stronger. The black hollow arrows represent the 850 hPa wind anomalies, the thicker arrows suggests that the wind anomalies are relatively stronger, and the diamond represents the number of marine heatwaves in early summer, with more numbers indicating more marine heatwaves"
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