Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 63-76.doi: 10.11978/2022210CSTR: 32234.14.2022210
• Marine Hydrology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Zhisheng1,2(), XIE Lingling1,2,3(), LI Junyi1,2,3, LI Qiang1,2,3
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ZHANG Zhisheng, XIE Lingling, LI Junyi, LI Qiang. Comparative analysis of mesoscale eddy evolution during life cycle in marginal sea and open ocean: South China Sea and Kuroshio Extension[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2023, 42(4): 63-76.
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Tab. 1
Statistics of eddy characteristics of SCS and KE"
海区 | 涡旋 | 数量/个 | 快照数/个 | 振幅/cm | 半径/km | Te/d | EKE/(cm2·s-2) |
SCS | AEs | 763 | 45674 | 7.5±5.4 | 112.3±44.7 | 59.9±35.9 | 496.8±355.2 |
CEs | 902 | 49118 | 6.7±4.5 | 107.5±43.2 | 54.5±28.8 | 494.9±417.6 | |
全部 | 1665 | 94792 | 7.1±5.0 | 109.8±44.0 | 56.9±32.3 | 495.8±388.8 | |
KE | AEs | 1384 | 115504 | 17.3±11.5 | 94.7±31.3 | 83.5±75.5 | 930.5±751.8 |
CEs | 1469 | 123021 | 19.0±13.0 | 87.8±29.6 | 83.7±72.5 | 1424.4±1486.5 | |
全部 | 2853 | 238525 | 18.2±12.4 | 91.1±30.6 | 83.6±73.9 | 1185.2±1214.2 |
Fig. 4
Evolution of eddy properties during eddy life in the SCS. (a) EKE; (b) radius; (c) zonal propagation velocity; (d) meridional propagation velocity; (e) total propagation velocity and (f) background current velocity. The shading around curves represents standard error. The horizontal axis is the normalized eddy Te, and the black dotted lines show the start and end of the eddy stable stage"
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