Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 43-54.doi: 10.11978/2020012CSTR: 32234.14.2020012
• Marine Biology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Liming1,2(), TAN Yehui1,2(), LI Jiajun3, HUANG Xiaoping1,2, LIU Jiaxing1
Yehui TAN;
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ZHANG Liming, TAN Yehui, LI Jiajun, HUANG Xiaoping, LIU Jiaxing. Characteristics of the phytoplankton community and its response to Dan’ao River input in Daya Bay in summer*[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2020, 39(5): 43-54.
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Fig. 7
Distribution of different types of phytoplankton composition in Daya Bay in summer 2015. (a) cluster analysis with p values (units: %) showing phytoplankton community could mainly be classified into 3 types, which are represented by green triangle, red circular and blue square. Values at branches include AU p-values (left) and BP values (right), and gray values in the middle represent the clustering hierarchy. Clusters with AU ≥ 95 % are indicated by the rectangles; (b) surface water, and (c) bottom water"
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